You can paint shit. But it’s still shit. 

Today we were going to Kentucky to visit family for easter. We usually take my Tahoe cause it’s more “family friendly” than my husbands big jacked up 6 speed 5.9, and I’m allowed to drive my car unlike my husbands truck. (That’s a story for another time.) 

So anyway, were driving and my Tahoe starts smoking. I know you’re thinking “quit being a drama queen.” But it was coming from the INSIDE! Where literally my whole world sat. So, I panic and pull over and turn my flashers on. I get out barefooted, cause who drives with shoes on? Grab Leah, broken leg and all. Run to the other side and grab Luke. Run away from the smoking car. Claytons still putting his boots on. So, that settled my fear of being able to get both my children in an emergency. No worries there!! 

Clayton deems the car drivable and we continue on our merry way. So much for “family friendly” right??? 

I guess what I’m saying here is, stop trying to keep up with the jones’! I feel like my Tahoe is relatively nice. I paid a decent little chunk of moolah for this hunk of metal. And it still screwed up. 

Havin stuff doesn’t make you any better off. Havin memories and laughter does. We jumped back in my Tahoe and continued to my dads where I laughed harder than I have in some time. I saw my nephews. I met the biggest fighter ever, my sweet little nephew Noah. Life is what you make of it. Yeah my life is chaos right now. I’m sure yours is too. But in the grand scheme of things is it worth being that upset over? 

A few years ago, my whole day would have been ruined. I would be cussing up a storm and throwing a fit because I paid “X” amount of dollars to have a car that won’t break down and on. And on. But, my babies were safe. My car is still drivable. I got to snuggle sweet Noah and wrestle the others. I got to visit with my daddy. I got to eat some delicious Kentucky cookin. And I got to create memories with my littles. 

So, if you choose, keep on paintin yer shit to keep up with the Jones’. I’m gonna go paint sweet pictures with my littles and enjoy this weather! 😘